Frequently Asked Questions
Additional Information
To help you make an informed decision
One of our goals here at Shannon’s Auto Body is to help customers make informed decisions about repairing their car after a collision. We do this by providing consistent, quality collision repair services in Brainerd, MN, and by working with you through every step of the repair process.
The questions below are common questions we receive in relation to auto and collision repair services. We hope this page is a resource for you and helps answer questions you may have about all phases of the repair process. For additional questions, please contact us today.

Minnesota Insurance Rights
Know your rights with your insurance agency in case of an accident. Minnesota state law protects you under statute 72a.201 when you make a claim on your automotive insurance.
Your insurance company is not allowed to require that you use a shop that they choose. They are also not allowed to attempt to pressure you into choosing one of their preferred shops.
Statute 72a.201: insurance companies are not allowed to: “requir[e] as a condition of payment of a claim that repairs to any damaged vehicle must be made by a particular contractor or repair shop. … or engaging in any act or practice of intimidation, coercion, threat, incentive, or inducement for or against an insured to use a particular contractor or repair shop. Consumer benefits included within preferred vendor programs must not be considered an incentive or inducement.”
Your insurance company is not allowed to provide a full repair only if you have your vehicle repaired at an “in-network” shop. They must pay for a full repair regardless of which repair shop you choose. A repair to pre-accident condition also means covering any hidden damage that is not immediately apparent at the initial estimate, but becomes apparent after the repairs have started.
Statute 72a.201: “Satisfactory repair includes repair of obvious and hidden damage caused by the claim incident.”
If you agree, you may choose aftermarket parts for your collision repair. However, this must be your choice; the insurer is not allowed for force you to use aftermarket parts. Note that window glass is excluded from this law: the insurance company may require that non-OEM glass be used.
Statute 72a.201: insurance companies are not allowed to: “requir[e] as a condition of payment of a claim that … that parts, other than window glass, must be replaced with parts other than original equipment parts.”
This applies only when your comprehensive or collision insurance coverage includes rental vehicle reimbursement.Statute 72a.201: insurance companies must “inform an insured making a claim under collision or comprehensive coverage, that includes rental vehicle reimbursement coverage, of the insured’s right to select any rental vehicle company.”
Some insurance companies may want you to visit their drive-in claims center before having your car repaired. You can do this, or you may leave your car at our shop and ask that the insurance company inspect the car here.
Statute 72a.201: insurance companies are not allowed to: “regardless of whether the loss was total or partial, requiring unreasonable travel of a claimant or insured to inspect a replacement automobile, to obtain a repair estimate, to allow an insurer to inspect a repair estimate, to allow an insurer to inspect repairs made pursuant to policy requirements, or to have the automobile repaired.”
Frequently Asked Questions
If you are in need of a rental car after an accident we can help you make the necessary arrangements. In order for your insurance company to cover the cost of a rental car, you must have that option on your policy or be the claimant. The find out if you have rental coverage and your specific limitations, check your policy and/or call your insurance company. We offer a variety of in-house rental cars and vans to fit your needs.
To make a claim, contact your insurance agent or company. They will help you gather information for your claim, including a claim number.
Because the finish has already been cured, you can wash your vehicle the same day your pick up. Washing your car by hand or going through a touchless car wash is alright to do, as is the touchless wax option. Hand waxing, however should be delayed for 90 days.
We are open by appointment only on Saturdays. Our normal weekday hours are Monday through Friday, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm.
Shannon’s Auto Body is located 1.5 miles East on Highway 18 from the intersection of Highway 25 and Highway 18. Head North on 3 Mile Road and we are 2 Miles down on the left. (Pine Shadows Kennel is also located on 3 Mile Road)
Shannon’s Auto Body does not offer towing services, but we can make the arrangements for you. We work closely with Kelly’s Towing and Peterson Towing and know you will be satisfied with either of them.
Yes, we work on all makes and models, foreign and domestic.
In order to provide a complete and accurate estimate our estimators need time to look up manufacture’s procedures, scan your vehicle for diagnostic codes, possibly remove certain parts to find hidden damage. This is accomplished by the contributions from many members of our team and the amount of time varies, every estimate is different.
If your vehicle is drivable, we can arrange to pick it up at your home or office. When the work is complete, we can also drop it off for you.
If you would like to pick up your vehicle after hours, after 5:00 pm or before 8:00 am, call us to make an arrangement. If you would like to drop off your vehicle after hours, we have an after hour drop box available.
Yes, we would be happy to give you a ride home or to work. We only ask that when you make your appointment, you let us know you will need a ride. This way, we can ensure we have a driver readily available for you.
Yes. Shannon’s Auto Body is a full service automotive center that not only offers body repair, but also service, maintenance and glass repair. Just let your estimator or CSR know what other work you would like done and he or she will be happy to make the necessary arrangements for you.
Your estimator will reach out to you when a complete repair plan is made for your vehicle. They will provide you with a better timeframe when the full extent of the damage is known, parts availability is determined, and insurance approvals have been completed.
You can choose to receive updates via telephone, email, or text to track the repair process. When your vehicle is nearing completion, our team will reach out to you to schedule a pick-up time.
Cash, Check, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express
Deductibles payments are paid to the repair facility at the time of delivery.
A comprehensive claim should not affect your rates, but you should check with your insurance agent. They can provide you with more information regarding what type of claim will or will not affect your insurance rates. If it is a collision claim, check with your agent. Many companies have a set guideline you may fall into that may not affect your rates on collision claims.
No. You are only legally required to get one estimate. Just tell the insurance company involved that you are having your repairs done at Shannon’s Auto Body and to call us if they have any questions. We work with all insurance companies.
- Please remove all items and debris; especially in your trunk area to eliminate time spent cleaning or moving and storing your items in order to gain access to your vehicle’s paint codes.
- Avoid using “Armor All” type products, which slows down our painting preparation.
- Please fill your fuel tank, which is necessary for proper realignment to be done.
- Please disable all automotive and audio alarm systems or provide us with the appropriate codes to bypass them during your repair process. You may wish to write down your radio station settings as they may be erased if the battery is disconnected during repairs.
- Please bring all keys with you for locked items such as trunks, wheel locks, spare tire locks, roof rack locks, etc. We will probably need more than a valet key to complete most repairs.
- Please bring your estimate information, which should include the name of insurance carrier responsible, your policy number, your claim representative’s name and phone number, and your claim number.